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How To Store Firewood To Avoid Termites

Are you wondering about how to store firewood to avoid termites? If you keep your firewood outside, termite infestation is bound to happen unless you take some necessary precautions. So what are these precautionary measures? Understanding what attracts termites, signs of termite infestation, and how to detect them helps store firewood safely without termite encroachment. …

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Pros and Cons of Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture

Acacia wood furniture is becoming increasingly popular for its natural durability and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Thanks to its quick growth and eco-friendly sourcing, acacia wood furniture is quite affordable. However, this sought-after wood isn’t without fault. Knowing what you’re getting into before choosing any outdoor wood furniture is important. Throughout this article, we’ll discuss the …

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How to Clean Bird Poop From Your Patio — Leave no trace!

Your patio is where your friends and family usually hang out—it’s the perfect spot for exchanging stories, barbecue parties, or simply sitting back and enjoying nature. If there’s one thing that may ruin the whole experience, it would be the sight of bird poop speckled across your patio floor.  You can clean bird poop off …

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How to Keep Birds From Using Your Patio Furniture Like a Toilet

Having an outdoor space where you can entertain guests, spend time with your family, or simply sit and relax in nature is a luxury. However, having furniture in your yard or patio is not nearly as enjoyable when birds are constantly pooping over your gorgeous pieces and materials. So, how do you keep birds from …

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These Trees, Bushes, and Flowers Absorb LOTS of Water

If you live in a wet climate like Florida, or if your home is in an area susceptible to flooding, you probably are all too aware of the plight of a flooded garden. Luckily, there are some changes you can make to your yard to soak up some of the excess water. For example, planting …

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What to Put On Your Outside Dogs to Keep Gnat Swarms Away

Gnats are one of the scourges of the outdoors. And in actuality, the word “gnat” applies not to one specific flying bug but to a host of buzzing little demons that irritate humans at the picnic table. However, for dogs, gnats are more than just a nuisance. They can be downright dangerous to your furry …

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How to Light Up Your Backyard Without Using Electricity

If you’re like me, you spend a great deal of time in your outdoor space. And when the sun is down, you tend to gather around the available light sources. This is perfect when you have an ample supply of power. Many folks lack direct power in their backyard. So, how can you light it …

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How to Make a Pond Look More Natural

Adding water features like ponds or fountains to your outdoor living spaces helps create a beautiful and tranquil environment. Not only does being around water increase the feeling of calm in humans, but animals and wildlife also benefit from a garden pond. However, adding a pond to your outdoor space requires good planning, especially if …

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